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Empire KnowledgeBank


Empire KnowledgeBank

We are pleased to offer New York State employees access to thousands of online courses, videos and ebooks. Learn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere with a PC and an internet connection.

Contact your agency training office for information on how to obtain an Empire KnowledgeBank license.

Core Collection (Skillsoft)

Each user license includes a total of over 3,000 course titles that cover these subjects:

Professional Development: Covering management, leadership, personal development, communication, customer service, HR/organizational development, project management, and more.

Many courses offer continuing education units (CEU), and are aligned with the following professional tracks: National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), Project Management Institute (PMI), Six Sigma, and more.

End User Technology: Covering mobile devices, basic/advanced Microsoft Office, Crystal Reports, browsers and more.

If your agency has purchased IT Technical licenses, you also have access to the following courses: 1,800+ courses covering software development, OS/server technology, virtualization/cloud, Web development, big data, cyber security, project management, and more.

eBook and Video Portal

EKB users also have access to the Video and eBook portal! Over 30,000 professional development and technology titles are available on demand.

© Copyright 2018 New York State Office of Employee Relations. All rights reserved.  Contact SLMS: (518) 473-8087