No Announcements at this time.
For the speediest replies from the SLMS Help Desk, it is essential that all customers remember to skip replies, forwards, cc’s, and sending emails from shared mailboxes when contacting the SLMS Help Desk.
To enable representatives to respond to issues as quickly as possible, all emails to the SLMS Help Desk must be "clean messages" from one-person to the desk; there can’t be any replies, forwards ("FW:" or "RE:" in the subject line), or carbon copies ("CC"). In addition, emails cannot be sent to the SLMS Help Desk from a shared mailbox. Messages that don’t adhere to these guidelines are "set aside" for manual processing, which could slow the response time by as long as five (5) business days.
If customers want to share an issue, once they receive a reply from the "IT Service Desk" with a call ticket number, they can forward that message to others.
As always, the SLMS Help Desk is available to provide support Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., and may be reached by calling 518-473-8087 or by emailing (where an incident will be created).
If you experience difficulty when launching eLearning in SLMS, these hints you can apply yourself can get you going again:
Empire KnowledgeBank (EKB) licenses provide thousands of elearning courses, ebooks, videos, and audio books for professional development, certification preparation, and continuing education. EKB resources can be accessed anytime and anywhere with a computer and internet connection.
Contact your agency training office for information on additional course collections, how to access the ebook/video portal, or how to obtain an Empire KnowledgeBank license.