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Steps to Gain Compliance (cont.)

Why is compliance so important?

  • Administering the DBE program in accordance with the regulation is a condition of receiving Federal aid
    • If the Department/Subrecipient fails to enforce the DBE requirements it can lose part or all of the Federal aid for the contract

  • The Department/Subrecipient must have an administrative process to address non-compliance issues. If the Department/Subrecipient does not follow its administrative process to gain compliance it can lose part or all of the Federal aid for the contract.

If you have questions or need assistance with the content of this course, please contact the NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights at 518-457-1129 or email:

If you need technical assistance operating this online program,
please email: or call 518-457-2942.

New York State Department of Transportation
Office of Civil Rights
Workforce Learning & Development Bureau