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Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): An annual codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.

Compliance Specialist (CS): The person who monitors and evaluates the contractor's or Design-Builder's compliance with the civil rights requirements of the contract. This person can be a NYSDOT employee or a consultant.

Construction Quality Control Engineer (CQCE): The person who monitors the Design-Builder's compliance with all contract requirements. This person is an employee of the Design-Builder or a consultant.

Construction Quality Assurance Engineer (CQAE): The person who evaluates the Design-Builder's compliance with all contract requirements. This person is a NYSDOT employee.

Contract Administration Manual (CAM): A guidance document that explains how to implement the construction contract specifications. It is also known as MURK (Manual of Uniform Record Keeping) 1A.

Core Work Code: This code is the 3 digits of the pay item to the left of the decimal.

Daily Work Report (DWR): The document that is completed by an inspector regarding work performed on the contract. It includes the name of the firm performing the work, the pay item(s), the amount of work completed, etc.

Department: In this course, this term refers to the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT).

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE): A for-profit small business concern:

  1. That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged or, in the case of a corporation, in which 51 percent of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals; and
  2. Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.

Engineer-in-Charge (EIC): The person having direct supervision of the execution of the contract. This person is a NYSDOT employee.

Inspector: The person who examines methods and materials relating to work both on and off the site of the contract. This person can be a NYSDOT employee or a consultant.

NYSDOT Standard Specifications: The provisions and requirements of a construction contract that is let by NYSDOT.

Resident Engineer (RE): The person having direct supervision of the execution of the contract. This person is a consultant.

Schedule of Utilization: The summary list of DBEs that are participating on a Federally-assisted construction contract. It is also known as a form AAP 19.

Subrecipient: An entity that receives Federal Aid directly from NYSDOT.

Supplier Questionnaire: The form that lists what materials the DBE is providing for which contract pay items. The form includes details such as well as who ordered the materials, if the materials are stockpiled or special-ordered, who arranged for delivery, etc. It is also known as a form AAP 22.

Trucking Plan: The form that lists: the number of trucks being provided by the DBE; whether the trucks are owned or leased by the DBE; and, the back-up calculations of the value of the trucking services. It is also known as a form AAP 23.

Utilization Worksheet: The specific contract pay items that a DBE is performing on a Federally-assisted construction contract. It is also known as a form AAP 20.

If you have questions or need assistance with the content of this course, please contact the NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights at 518-457-1129 or email:

If you need technical assistance operating this online program,
please email: or call 518-457-2942.

New York State Department of Transportation
Office of Civil Rights
Workforce Learning & Development Bureau