Internal Controls - Controlling Risk in the Workplace: The Manager's Role

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Chapter 4: Everyday Internal Controls - Preventive Controls

Like Trooper McCoy, you use internal controls both at work and at home. Here are some examples of common preventive controls.

Preventive Controls

image of an red alarm clock with a sticker note that reads important meeting today
To prevent yourself from getting to work late, you use an alarm clock to wake yourself in the morning, or check the weather before you go to bed to see if you need to leave the house earlier, or lay out everything you need the night before. To avoid missing important meetings, you put them on your calendar.

image of door with keys hanging from the lock
To keep unwanted guests from entering your home, you lock your doors. To keep unwanted eyes from seeing confidential documents, you might keep them locked in a filing cabinet.

Preventive controls discourage or prevent errors or irregularities from occurring.

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New York State Governor's Office of Employee Relations